
5. Frostgrave wizards II.

We were at the point of refining the concept for the different wizard groups. That was a point where I sat down took the sprues, and waited for inspiration… I looked, and touched, I touched and looked, and there are the results:

  • Elementalist, Summoner: This group will have a near eastern, moroccan/arabic touch. There are two heads on the sprue, one with a turban like scarf and one with a fez, and both of them with dense facial hair, perfect! What should they do with their hands? The faces look pretty aggressive, so lets give them something more pointy-sharp-flesh cutting thing, then a staff: swords. And what’s the result if you add sword and fire? Fiery glowing sword, which is cool (actually rather hot, but…)! That fact needed to be written down, because I’m not a good painter (I would identify myself as wannabe-mediocre), and maybe the pictures can´t transfer my thoughts effectively… (another note: the eyes are glowing demonic, at least my intend was that) But, it’s time to look at them:

  • Nercomancer, Witch: There are some evil heads on the sprue, the selection is maybe pretty wide. For the wizard I choose a pointy-hooded-head, where the eyes are covered (2 less eyes to paint!), and for the apprentice a batman like head, because I imagined him like an evil torture master in a mask, made of (maybe human?) leather. Accessories? Skulls, bones, and other detached body parts (here are the only bits, which are not from that box, but from the “Undead encounters”). Below the results:

Its getting a bit too long, lets continue in the next post.

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